
our commitment to healthy + Happy

It is a 366-days-per-year kind of dedication… with some added considerations…


Our entire business model is based on you feeling your best. We remain committed to creating a safe environment for you to grow, learn, play and heal—which includes keeping our shop physically clean.

We are closely monitoring—and adhering to—the CDC guidelines for businesses. If you have visited recently you may have noticed we placed hand sanitizer at the front desk—and as always, we switched to heavy-duty cleaning products for the cold and flu season. Given the current situation, we have taken it up another notch and now disinfect with EPA-approved cleaners.

Our team has chosen professions dedicated to helping and healing others. If someone has a fever or does not feel well and may pass along germs, he/she/they will not come in to the shop. For the safety of all, we ask the same of you.

In order to support social distancing, we are working with our healers to ensure they feel safe—and we are in the process of re-thinking the way we offer yoga. An explanation of the changes to Room One and our yoga offerings can be found here.

As you go about your day—and hopefully always—please remember to wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. Be mindful if you have a cough or runny nose not to share your germs with others—stay home when possible and use a tissue (one time and dispose of it in a bin) or cover your face with your elbow if you sneeze or cough (even if only allergies). Don’t touch your face. Be sure to wipe down your phone, keyboard and other surfaces. And stay informed.

Please let us know if you can’t make a class or appointment. And we will keep you updated of any cancelations as we continue to think about how we can hold a safe space for you during this extraordinary—and stressful—time.

Be well (and remain grounded),
Anne Marie + the team